Published: 06-Jun-2022

Franz Liszt

Liszt was born in 1811 in Raiding in Hungary.

He was a genius and one of the greatest piano virtuosos the world has ever known. A composer of the Romantic Period, he was a pianist, an orchestral director, and an organist. He helped many musicians of his time, like Hector Berlioz, Richard Wagner, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann and others. 

Dante Alighieri was one of Liszt’s favourite poets, and he particularly appreciated The Divina Commedia. He read it while he was in Italy and decided to compose a symphony about it in three movements : the Inferno, the Purgatory and the Paradise. As a result of Richard Wagner’s advice, however, he did not add the third movement, and concluded, instead, with a Magnificat and an Alleluia.  Wagner, his friend and son-in-law (to be), maintained that a simple mortal would not be capable of describing “Paradise”.

Franz Liszt died in Germany in 1886. He was 74 years old. 

Era un genio e uno dei più grandi virtuosi del pianoforte di tutti i tempi. Compositore del periodo romantico, era pianista, direttore d’orchestra e organista. Aiutò tanti musicisti del suo tempo, come Hector Berlioz, Richard Wagner, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann e altri. 

Liszt nacque nel 1811 a Raiding, in Ungheria

Dante Alighieri era uno dei poeti preferiti di Liszt, il quale apprezzò particolarmente la Divina Commedia. La lesse in Italia e decise di comporre una sinfonia, in tre movimenti, l’Inferno, il Purgatorio e il Paradiso però, dietro consiglio di Wagner, decise di non comporre il terzo movimento, “il Paradiso”, perché Wagner, il suo amico e futuro genero,  riteneva che un semplice mortale non potesse descriverlo. Liszt, quindi, concluse il Purgatorio con un Magnificat e un’Alleluia.

Liszt morì in Germania nel 1886 all’età di 74 anni.

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