Published: 14-Dec-2022
Vacanze e turismo
Thinking of travelling somewhere, or just wanting to brush up your Italian travel vocab? Then here are some words for you.
Try building an Italian conversation with your friends using these words. You could start something like this:
Sono davvero stanca morta e ho bisogno di una vacanza … di scappare … è quasi Ferragosto … ecc. ecc.
I am dead tired and I need a holiday … to escape … it is almost the summer holidays … etc. etc.
I haven’t added the articles to the words (il, la, un, una ecc.). Perhaps you could add them where needed … very good practice!
- Scappare/fuggire – escape or flee
- Ferragosto – beginning of the summer holidays in Italy
- Prendere le ferie – take leave
- Andare in vacanza – go on holiday
- Viaggi organizzati – organised tours
- Rilassarsi/riposarsi/un week-end rigeneratore – relax, rest yourself, a rejuvenating week-end
- Un vagabondaggio nella natura – a wander in nature
- Vacanze “single” – a holiday by yourself
- Isola esotica/tropicale/continenti in miniatura – exotic, tropical island, miniature continents
- Meta turistica – tourist desination
- Agenzia di viaggi – travel agency
- Depliant/opuscolo – brochure or pamphlet
- Avventura - adventure
- Campeggio - camping
- Tenda – tent
- Sacco a pelo – sleeping bag
- Il camper/roulotte - camper
- Nave da crociera – cruise liner
- Le spiagge e le coste piu’ belle del mediterraneo the most beautiful beaches and coasts of the Mediterranean
- Aereo/volare/ partire per/ arrivare – aeroplane, to fly, to leave for, to arrive
- Soggiorno in albergo – hotel stay
- Pernottamento – over-nighting
- Alloggio - accommodation
- Prenotare/prenotazione – to book or booking
- Vacanza studio – study holiday
- Vacanza cultura – a cultural holiday
- Musei/gallerie d’arte - museums/ art galleries
- Di gran lusso – great luxury
All’aeroporto – at the airport
- Cancello – gate
- Controllo passaporto – Passport Control
- Biglietto – ticket
- Biglietto di andata e ritorno – return ticket
- Biglietto di sola andata – one way ticket
- Passaporto - passport
- Dogana – customs
- le carte d’imbarco – boarding passes
- Porta d’imbarco – departure gate
- Sala d’attesa – waiting room
- Voli internazionali – international flights
- Voli nazionali – national flights
- Arrivi e partenze – arrivals and departures
- Biglietteria – Ticket Office
- poggiate i vostri bagagli sulla bilancia – put your luggage on the scale
- bagaglio a mano – hand luggage
- collegamenti aerei – connecting flights
- ritiro bagagli – baggage collection
- parcheggi per brevi permanenze – short term parking
Lastly, here's a great Christmas gift. A fun board game which is available on Takealot. I play with my grandchildren and they have learnt the names of all the countries on the map of Europe map:
Ticket to Ride Europe – un gioco da tavolo/un gioco di società
Buon viaggio!!! Divertitevi !!! And be sure to visit Italy!!!
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